Instagram API returns only 4 likes

I am using the Instagram API to retrieve images with a specific hashtag that my organization liked. But when the API makes a get call, the response is returned with data like this, where the score is 83 (!), And the actual, like the data returned, only shows 4 (!). I've seen posts here that show that Instagram is returning about 120 data for likes. Why am I only four?

The api code I'm using is:

"likes": {
                "count": 83,
                "data": [
                        "username": "something",
                        "profile_picture": "picture",
                        "id": "idhere",
                        "full_name": "namehere"
                        "username": "",
                        "profile_picture": "",
                        "id": "",
                        "full_name": ""
                        "username": "",
                        "profile_picture": "",
                        "id": "",
                        "full_name": ""
                        "username": "",
                        "profile_picture": "",
                        "id": "",
                        "full_name": ""



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2 answers

When you fetch medians from Instagram using these endpoints:



You wouldn't like the answer; the same for comments. It's just a limitation set by Instagram . I think it would be very expensive to return all (or many) likes / comments in each of the media users.

But don't worry. If you get the medians you want, you have them id

and you can use this endpoint:


And then you will like everything (use pagination to get them all) and do great stuff with them.

Hope this helps you.



These can be three things:

1) Error, but it's unlikely (ha pun!)

2) Breaking pages. You need to request additional data in another call with MIN_TAG_ID and / or MAX_TAG_ID set .

3) Confidentiality. Instagram users have privacy settings in their profiles. Described here . This will definitely reduce the quantity even with pagination.



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