Calculating the sum of hours / day with overlapping periods, SQL

I have a table with start date (event.startdate), end date (event.enddate) and hour / person (event.hrday) of the event. I have another table listing on weekdays that has a different field for each person ( I want to fill in these columns with the total hours worked each day. I cannot figure out how to sum the hours correctly, if two events overlap in dates, I can come up with the correct value for one event in a certain period of time.

I believe that in theory this question has the answer I need: calculate the sum of values ​​associated with overlapping date ranges

But I'm very new to SQL and I don't fundamentally understand the solution posted even after some more research. I am using Access 2013. Sorry if this is a super basic question, I was hoping that what I wanted to do could be handled "visually" with Access ...

What do I have: (table "event")

Startdate | Enddate    |  Hrsday   | Name
 5/1/2015    5/12/2015     1.25      Joe
 5/7/2015    5/8/2015       8        Joe


What I'm looking for: (table "calendar", days already filled in first column)

Weekdays | Joe | name2 | name3 | ....
5/1/2015   1.25
5/4/2015   1.25
5/5/2015   1.25
5/6/2015   1.25
5/7/2015   9.25
5/8/2015   9.25
5/11/2015  1.25
5/12/2015  1.25 


I tried using the in-access query builder to create an UPDATE query, but my result either does not show up at all (no updates, all nulls), or populates one event with no overlaps. (5 / 1-5 / 12 all have 1.25).


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1 answer

I think you will need to create a "date table" if you want this kind of result in MS-Access (without using window functions).

Here's a quick example of how this might work in SQL Server, but only using the syntax available for MS-Access (hopefully).

--Load the test data into a table variable
    [start_date] DATE,
    end_date DATE,
    hrsperday NUMERIC(19,2),
    name VARCHAR(20));
INSERT INTO @event SELECT '20150401', '20150412', 1.25, 'Joe';
INSERT INTO @event SELECT '20150407', '20150408', 8, 'Joe';

--Add some more test data, to make it more "interesting"
INSERT INTO @event SELECT '20150401', '20150405', 0.1, 'Bill';
INSERT INTO @event SELECT '20150401', '20150430', 7.5, 'Bill';
INSERT INTO @event SELECT '20150412', '20150415', 0.5, 'Bill';

--Make a date table, this creates one on the fly but wouldn't work in MS-Access
--I store a date for each day in 2015/Apr, obviously I would want more dates eventually
    [date] DATE);
WITH cte AS (
    SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '20150401') AS [date]
    SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 1, [date]) FROM cte WHERE [date] < '20150430')

--Now the answer is trivial
    SUM(hrsperday) AS hrs
    @dates d
    LEFT JOIN @event e ON d.[date] BETWEEN e.[start_date] AND e.end_date

--Note the format you want, but a PIVOT would give you this
--(I don't think PIVOT is supported by MS-Access though)


Results for this:

name    date    hrs
Bill    2015-04-01  7.60
Bill    2015-04-02  7.60
Bill    2015-04-03  7.60
Bill    2015-04-04  7.60
Bill    2015-04-05  7.60
Bill    2015-04-06  7.50
Bill    2015-04-07  7.50
Bill    2015-04-08  7.50
Bill    2015-04-09  7.50
Bill    2015-04-10  7.50
Bill    2015-04-11  7.50
Bill    2015-04-12  8.00
Bill    2015-04-13  8.00
Bill    2015-04-14  8.00
Bill    2015-04-15  8.00
Bill    2015-04-16  7.50
Bill    2015-04-17  7.50
Bill    2015-04-18  7.50
Bill    2015-04-19  7.50
Bill    2015-04-20  7.50
Bill    2015-04-21  7.50
Bill    2015-04-22  7.50
Bill    2015-04-23  7.50
Bill    2015-04-24  7.50
Bill    2015-04-25  7.50
Bill    2015-04-26  7.50
Bill    2015-04-27  7.50
Bill    2015-04-28  7.50
Bill    2015-04-29  7.50
Bill    2015-04-30  7.50
Joe 2015-04-01  1.25
Joe 2015-04-02  1.25
Joe 2015-04-03  1.25
Joe 2015-04-04  1.25
Joe 2015-04-05  1.25
Joe 2015-04-06  1.25
Joe 2015-04-07  9.25
Joe 2015-04-08  9.25
Joe 2015-04-09  1.25
Joe 2015-04-10  1.25
Joe 2015-04-11  1.25
Joe 2015-04-12  1.25




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