How to extract data from a flattened structure

Here's my details:

    "users": {
        "someRandomUserId": {
            "name": "Name 1",
            "accounts": {
                "someRandomAccountId": true
        "someRandomUserId2": {
            "name": "Name 2",
            "accounts": {
                "someRandomAccountId": true,
                "someRandomAccountId2": true
    "accounts": {
        "someRandomAccountId": {
            "name": "Account1",
            "users": {
                "someRandomUserId": true,
                "someRandomUserId2": true
        "someRandomAccountId2": {
            "name": "Account2",
            "users": {
                "someRandomUserId2": true


After reading the docs, I believe this is how I should have set it up. If I am completely in the left margin, please let me know. My actual question is that I have the user id "someRandomUserId2", how do I get a list of the accounts the user is associated with along with their data? I would like to somehow return this data:

"accounts": {
    "someRandomAccountId": {
        "name": "Account1"
    "someRandomAccountId2": {
        "name": "Account2"


Or at least something like that. I tried to use startAt and endAt, but I can't figure out how to get them to work with the object:

    .orderByChild('users.' + userId)        



Here is my current method, which seems like overkill:

var userRef = myDataRef.child('users');
var accountRef = myDataRef.child('accounts');

var accounts = {};

var userAccounts = userRef.child(userId + '/accounts');

userAccounts.on('child_added', function(dataSnap){  
    var accountId = dataSnap.key();

    var accountData = accountRef.orderByKey().equalTo(accountId);

    accountData.on('child_added', function(dataSnap){
        accounts[accountId] = dataSnap.val();
    accountData.on('child_removed', function(){
        delete accounts[accountId];
userAccounts.on('child_removed', function(dataSnap){
    var accountId = dataSnap.key();
    delete accounts[accountId];



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1 answer

You can add an additional structure to your database that specifically lists which users are part of the accounts, for example:

"accountusers": {
    "someRandomAccountId": {
        "someRandomUserId": true,
        "someRandomUserId2": true
    "someRandomAccountId2": {
        "someRandomUserId2": true


Then you can use the following query to get all the accounts owned someRandomUserId2




This method requires everything to be accountusers

readable by the user.


and equalTo

only work at one level. Otherwise, it would be possible to write a similar query for your existing data structure.



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