Fractal smooth Mandelbrot coloration with continuous search array

I know there have been several questions already asked about Mandelbrot fading techniques (and answered). However, none of them describe how to build an array of continuous colors in regular C.

I read extensively about anti-aliasing color algorithms and I can calculate a continuous number of iterations with the main exit time algorithm. I mainly use this number to manually install the color reba components. (Please don't suggest that I use OPENGL or the like ... I just want to do it manually because I want to understand it).

here is my code:

#define W 800 //window width
#define H 800 //window height
#define MAX_ITERS 1000 // number of iterations

union color_u
  unsigned int    num;       //color as an integer
  unsigned char   comp[4];   //color as components (brga) -> beacause of the endianness 

unsigned int                getColor(int i, double *z)
    double    k;
    color_u   color;

    k = i + 1 - log(log(sqrt(z[R] * z[R] + z[I] * z[I]))) / log(2);
    k /= MAX_ITERS;
    if (i > 700)
       color.comp[0] = (unsigned char) (255.0 * k); //blue
       color.comp[1] = (unsigned char) 0;           //green
       color.comp[2] = (unsigned char) 0;           //red
       color.comp[3] = (unsigned char) 0;           //alpha
       color.comp[0] = (unsigned char) 0;           //blue
       color.comp[1] = (unsigned char) 0;           //green
       color.comp[2] = (unsigned char) (255.0 * k)  //red
       color.comp[3] = (unsigned char) 0;           //alpha
    return color.num;
void        mandelbrot(void)
    int i;
    double  z[2];
    double  c[2];
    double  tmp;

    c[R] = fr->x + (pixel[X] - W) / (e->zoom * W);
    c[I] = fr->y + (pixel[Y] - H) / (e->zoom * H);
    z[R] = 0;
    z[I] = 0;

    i = 0;
    while (z[R] * z[R] + z[I] * z[I] < 4 && ++i < MAX_ITERS)
        tmp = z[R] * z[R] - z[I] * z[I] + c[R];
        z[I] = 2 * z[R] * z[I] + c[I];
        z[R] = tmp;
    if (i < MAX_ITERS)
        draw_pixel(getColor(i, z));


The result is great, but not amazing.

Now I would like to build a pre-computed array of continuous colors with size MAX_ITERATIONS

... to use mine i

as an index and lookup in the table.

However, I cannot figure out how to do this. Almost everyone uses functions to do it in Java or C ++, but I would like to create it myself.



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1 answer

This article is just perfect! This is a great insight for anyone who needs a clever way to create a consistent palette of colors.



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