How to use BEM correctly with Sass

I am starting to use the BEM [BLOCK, ELEMENT, MODIFIER] methodology and I doubt it.

Inside the "participate" section, I have a form, so:

<section class="participate">
  <form class="participate__form">
    <label for="name" class="participate__form__label"></label>
    <input type="text" id="name" name="participate__form__input"/>



And the CSS:

.participate {
 &__form {
   // css here
 &__form__label {
   // css here
 &__form__input {
   // css here


The class is too big inside the form, so I was told that the right would go one level:

<section class="participate">
  <form class="participate__form form">
    <label for="name" class="form__label"></label>
    <input type="text" id="name" name="form__input"/>



But how should I style this?

I use it like this:

.participate {
 .form {
   // CSS HERE
   &__label {
   // CSS HERE
   &__input {
   // CSS HERE


But I really think this is the wrong approach. Please, can someone give me some light here?


source to share

2 answers

You don't need a cascade at first .participate .form

. Better to use mix: .participate__form

+ .form

on the same DOM-node.


is also a misuse of the BEM methodology. Use participate__form-label

either participate-form__label

, or simply form__label


I would do like this:

<section class="participate">
  <form class="participate__form form">
    <label for="name" class="form__label"></label>
    <input type="text" id="name" name="form__input"/>


Styles for the block participate

and __form


.participate {
  &__form {
    // outer styles here


And styles for yourself form

.form {
  &__label {
    // inner styles here for label
  &__input {
    // and input customization


If you still need customization for your form in participation

context, you can use modifiers:

.form--god-bless-participation {
  .form__label {
    // label customization


This way you can use your own shape whenever you need it, and you can also replace the original shape in the block participate

with another or even a form

-like block.



<section class="participate">
  <form class="participate__form">
    <label for="name" class="participate__form__label"></label>


In the above example, you are using participate

twice, once for the owner / parent class and the second time as a prefix for your form.

When used participate

as a parent class, you don't need a prefix:


<section class="participate">
  <form class="form">
    <label for="name" class="form__label"></label>



.participate {
     form {
        &__label {


Or alternatively:

  <form class="participate__form">
    <label for="name" class="participate__form__label"></label>



.participate {
     &__form {
        &__label {


But when participate

is your block, your HTML can match like below:

<section class="participate">
  <form class="participate__form">
    <label for="name" class="participate__input participate__input--label"></label>
    <input type="text" id="name" name="participate__input participate__input--text"/>


And your SCSS:

.participate {
    &__form {}
    &__input {
        &--label {
        &--text {




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