Is there a way to combine multiple different conditionals with a common expression?

Is there a way to combine multiple different conditionals with a common expression?

For example:

int a;
if (a == 1){
    return K1;
else if (a == 2){
    return K2;
else if (a == i){
    return Ki;


Is there a sane way to deduce foo

, but only do it under these conditions? (Similar to factorization in algebra: 2x + 6 = 2 (x + 3)).

It feels repetitive, so I suppose there must be a way to make it shorter.


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5 answers

Will your scenario be something like this?

int a;
int k; // let assume int
k = a == 1? K1:
    a == 2? K2:
    a == i? Ki:
    K0; // a special value
if (k != K0)
return k;




Assuming the return value is of type int

(change it accordingly). You can use the following:

int a;
int retVal;
int execFoo;

execFoo = 0;
if (a == 1){
    execFoo = 1;
    retVal = K1;
else if (a == 2){
    execFoo = 1;
    retVal = K2;
else if (a == i){
    execFoo = 1;
    retVal = Ki;

if(execFoo == 1)
return retVal;




Expanding on WeatherVane's comment about array - values ​​can always be stored in an array, even if they haven't made it to the block in question - just add them to the new one:

T array[] = { [1] = K1, K2, K3, ..., Ki };
return a <= i && a > 0 ? array[a] : K0;




I think it is better to use a helper function to get the k

corresponding a

one and then use the value k

to call foo

or not.

// Function to get K given a.
int getK(int a)
   switch (a)
      case 1:
         return K1;

      case 2:
         return K2;

         return K_Unknown;


Using the function:

int a;
int k = getK(a);
if ( k != K_Unknown )




You can #define the macro IF(cond) if ((cond) && (<foo>, 1))

and #undef it after all the blocks:

#define IF...
IF (a == 1) { ... }
else IF (a == 2) { ... }
#undef IF


(assuming that <foo>

is the only expression)



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