Flexbox: Single Column for Multilevel Table

I meet this problem with layouts a lot:

Small screens - elements are stacked on one line, usually an image followed by some text, and then a small sub-area for extra scatter:

one column

Middle screens and up - items are shuffled 2 columns, image and miscellaneous content on the left, text on the right:

two columns

I feel like I can do this with flexbox, but I can't figure out how to do it. I get that I can order the items in columns using:

.container {
    display: flex;
    flex-flow: column wrap;
.three {
    width: 50%;
.one {
    order: 1;
.two {
    order: 3;
.three {
    order: 2;


But the problem is that there is no way to split the elements into 2 columns without setting a fixed height, which clearly doesn't work very well for responsiveness.

Is there a way to make the columns break at certain points?


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1 answer

You can do it like this. Making the width 100% at a mobile size. they take their line.

.container {
    width: 75%;
    margin: 0 auto;
.box1, .box2, .box3 {
    width: 50%;
.box1 {
    background-color: blue;
.box2 {
    background-color: green;
    float: right;
.box3 {
    background-color: purple;
    float: left;
@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
    .box2 {
        float: left;

    .box1,.box2,.box3 {
        width: 100%;






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