How to use javascript in HTML document to create a simple cost calculator

I start when it comes to HTML coding. I am trying to complete an assignment for an online computer course. I emailed my professor but he was not very helpful on this assignment. I have to create a simple cost calculator that will allow the user to add quantity and price per item for three items. After clicking onclick, the total price is displayed. I had a similar assignment last week and was able to complete the coding and design myself. I cannot figure it out. This is the code I have so far.

    <head> <title> Name </title>
          <br/> <br/>
 <h2> <p style="text-indent: 22em;"> <FONT SIZE="7" <center> Easy Cost Calculator</center> </FONT SIZE>  </h2> 
      <style type="text/css">
        body {background-color:light blue;
              color: blue;
              font-family: rockwell;
     <body style="background:#006400">
    <form> <br/> 
    <center> <table border="2" cellpadding="25" cellspacing="25" bgcolor=lightgreen>
           <th> # of Items </th> 
           <th> Cost Per Item</th>
           <th> Item Total</th> </tr>
          <tr> <td>  <input type="text" name="quantity1" size="20"> </td><td>  <input type="text" name="cost per item1" size="20"> </td><td>  <input type="text" name="item total1" readonly> </td> </tr>
          <tr> <td> <input type="text" name="quantity2" size="20"> </td> <td> <input type="text" name="cost per item2" size="20"> </td> <td> <input type="text" name="item total2" readonly> </td> </tr>
          <tr> <td> <input type="text" name="quantity3" size="20"> </td> <td> <input type="text" name="cost per item3" size="20"></td> <td> <input type="text" name="item total3" readonly> </td> </tr> 
          <tr> <center> <td> <input type="text" name="Total" readonly>      </td>  <td> <input type="button" value="Calculate Total" onclick='
         var q1 = document.forms[0].quantity1.value;
         var q2= document.forms[0].quantity2.value;
         var q3= document.forms[0].quantity3.value;
         var cpi1 = document.forms[0]. cost per item1.value;
         var cpi2= document.forms[0]. cost per item2.value;
         var cpi3= document.forms[0]. cost per item3.value;
         var st11= q1*cpi1;
         document.forms[0].item total1.value= st11;
             var st2= q2*cpi2;
         document.forms[0].item total2.value= st2;
         var st3= q3*cpi3;
         document.forms[0]. item total3.value= st3;
         var tc =st11+st2+st3 ;
     document.forms[0].total.value= tc;
     </button> </center> </td>  </tr>
     <br/> <br/>




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3 answers

You have several problems here:

  • Your HTML is not formatted correctly (you have tags h2

    , p

    and br

    in <head>

    , tags only display tags<body>

    (you also have two open tags <body>

  • you should not use spaces in name attributes (e.g. document.forms[0].item total2.value= st2;

    ) as this will make it difficult to reference them with javascript, replace them with underscores, or just remove the spaces.
  • you will interfere with the javascript tone in the inline event handler, which is a bug, everything should be wrapped in its own tag <script>

Start by providing your button with an attribute id

so you can easily access it using Javascript:

<input type="button" value="Calculate Total" id="total" />


Then, before the closing tag, </body>

add a new tag <script>

and get a handle to your button and move all your inline logic into your event handler onclick


// get a handle to your button by referencing its id attribute
var button = document.getElementById('total');
// programmatically add your click handler
button.onclick = function(){
   var q1 = document.forms[0].quantity1.value;
   var q2= document.forms[0].quantity2.value;
   var q3= document.forms[0].quantity3.value;
   var cpi1 = document.forms[0].costperitem1.value;
   var cpi2= document.forms[0].costperitem2.value;
   var cpi3= document.forms[0].costperitem3.value;
   var st11= q1*cpi1;
   document.forms[0].itemtotal1.value= st11;
   var st2= q2*cpi2;
   document.forms[0].itemtotal2.value= st2;
   var st3= q3*cpi3;
   document.forms[0].itemtotal3.value= st3;
   var tc =st11+st2+st3 ;
   document.forms[0].total.value= tc;


There are many more improvements that can be made here, but this should be enough to get you started



Since this is an assignment, I don't want to give you the whole answer, but this should get you started.

  • You will notice that you can access yours JavaScript

    by specifyingid

  • If you are storing your JavaScript in a single file, then you need to put it in tags <script></script>

    . Otherwise, you can link to it by creating a separate JavaScript file. For example: <script src="JavaScriptFile.js"></script>

    This will be placed inside your tags <head></head>


In HTML, you want to do the following:

<input type="button" value="Calculate Total" id="calculations">


Your JavaScript should look like this:

document.getElementById('calculations').onclick = function() {
    var q1 = document.forms[0].quantity1.value;
    var q2 = document.forms[0].quantity2.value;
    var q3 = document.forms[0].quantity3.value;
    var cpi1 = document.forms[0].cost1.value;
    var cpi2 = document.forms[0].cost2.value;
    var cpi3 = document.forms[0].cost3.value;
    var st11 = q1 * cpi1;
    document.forms[0].total1.value = st11;
    var st2 = q2 * cpi2;
    document.forms[0].total2.value = st2;
    var st3 = q3 * cpi3;
    document.forms[0].total3.value = st3;
    var tc = st11 + st2 + st3;
    document.forms[0].total.value = tc;




First, I would use the id

JavaScript attribute over the attribute name

. You can have both if you like, but it's much easier to use getElementById

(IMO). Please note that the id

attributes must be unique.

<input type="text" id="costPerItem1" name="cost per item1" size="20">
<input type="text" id="costPerItem2" name="cost per item2" size="20">


Second, I would be very surprised if your JavaScript will work, but despite this, it is better to move your javascript to a tag <script>

and create a function that you can reference in your HTML. You can also use document.getElementById("the_element_id");

to reference your input tags in your javascript. So every element you need to reference in JavaScript add an attribute to it id


A common practice is to place tags <script>

at the bottom of your HTML file, but still within the tag </html>


var onClick = function(event) {
     var q1 = document.getElemenById('quantity1').value;
     var q2 = document.getElemenById('quantity2').value;
     var q3 = document.getElemenById('quantity3').value;  
     //var q1 = document.forms[0].quantity1.value;
     //var q2= document.forms[0].quantity2.value;
     //var q3= document.forms[0].quantity3.value;

     var cpi1 = document.getElementById('costPerItem1').value;
     var cpi2 = document.getElementById('costPerItem2').value;
     var cpi3 = document.getElementById('costPerItem3').value;

     //this is invalid javascript because of the whitespace.
     //var cpi1 = document.forms[0]. cost per item1.value;
     //var cpi2= document.forms[0]. cost per item2.value;
     //var cpi3= document.forms[0]. cost per item3.value;

     var st11= q1*cpi1;

     //this is also invalid javascript because of the whitespaces "item total"

     document.getElementById('itemTotal1').value = st11;
     //document.forms[0].item total1.value= st11;

     var st2= q2*cpi2;

     document.getElementById('itemTotal2').value = st2;
     //document.forms[0].item total2.value= st2;

     var st3= q3*cpi3;

     document.getElementById('itemTotal3').value = st3;
     //document.forms[0]. item total3.value= st3;

     var tc = st11 + st2 + st3;

     //this is valid javascript, but to be consistent, and in case
     //you ever add more forms in the same page...
     //document.forms[0].total.value= tc;
     document.getElementById('total').value = tc;


Now your HTML ...

<input type="button" value="Calculate Total" onclick="onClick(event)" />


Third, your HTML structure is wrong. A typical HTML structure looks something like this:

        <title>A Title</title>
        <!-- your content --->


A tag <head>

is a tag for all metadata-related information about your website. But it has nothing to do with your actual content. Therefore, the tags <head>

should contain only tags such as <meta>

, <link>

, <title>

, etc.

The tag <body>

is the place for your actual content. You must not have more than 1 tag <head>

or <body>


<h2> <p style="text-indent: 22em;"> <span style="text-align:center;font-size:7px"> Easy Cost Calculator</span>  </h2>


Must be in your body. Also note that I changed the tag <center>

and tag <FONT SIZE>

to one tag <span style="text-align:center;font-size:7px;">


And finally ...

 <body style="background:#006400">


should be simple

<body style="background:#006400">




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