CreateJS - Load Error in IE11

I am facing a weird issue with sound file loading in IE11. I got about a dozen images and then about 8 sound files. What happens is that IE11 versions that have even the slightest change in security settings freeze when trying to load sound files. No errors, just hangs. Any ideas?

The code is below. Works great in Chrome, Safari, FireFox and most IE. It's just that some instances load everything before the sounds and then just stop.

var imagePath = "Game/images/";
var audioPath = "Game/sounds/";
manifest = [
    { src: imagePath + "BG.png", id: "bgImg" },
    { src: imagePath + "Game-Sign.png", id: "gameSign" },
    { src: imagePath + "Start-Title.png", id: "startTitle" },
    { src: imagePath + "Start-Button-Sprite.png", id: "btnStart" },
    { src: imagePath + "Continue-Button-Sprite.png", id: "btnContinue" },
    { src: audioPath + "clunk01.mp3", id: "sndClunk01" },
    { src: audioPath + "clunk02.mp3", id: "sndClunk02" },
    { src: audioPath + "clunk03.mp3", id: "sndClunk03" }

 var queue;
 queue = new createjs.LoadQueue(true);
 createjs.Sound.alternateExtensions = ["ogg"];
 queue.addEventListener("complete", handleComplete);



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1 answer

The code looks great. There were handling errors in 0.6.0 versions, can you try SoundJS-Next with PreloadJS-Next and let me know if that fixes the problem.

Hope it helps.



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