Error while creating ruby ​​barrel

I cloned a trunk branch from my Ruby fork on GitHub and I follow the instructions in the README to create a ruby ​​trunk. Step # 2 in How to compile and install -

If. / Configure doesn't exist or is older than, run autoconf to (re) generate configure.

The config file was not in the repo, so I ran autoconf. When I execute the generated configure file I get the error

build git:(trunk) ../configure
config.guess already exists
config.sub already exists
configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash ../tool/config.sub


I am using zsh, so I thought it might have something to do with this problem. So I made a clean clone of the repo again and went in the same directions using bash, but I still had the same error.

I did google and all the answers to this error said that I must have ruby ​​already installed in order to create ruby. But I already have some rubies installed on my system and I still get this error every time. I am using rbenv for ruby ​​version control.

Has anyone else encountered this problem or does anyone else have any suggestions on what I can do to fix this problem?


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