There is no template error in Rails 4 when requesting format * / *;

I've seen these errors for a long time, but didn't find the problem:

ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template pages/home, application/home with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>["*/*;"]}

The user agent is always MSIE6 (which is part of the reason I gave up earlier).

Playback: curl -H "Accept: */*;" -I http://localhost:5000

Does anyone know how to fix it?


curl -H "Accept: */*" -I http://localhost:5000

works. This only doesn't work if the format is set to */*;

(note the comma).


I tried modifying Mime:ALL

as suggested in the comments but couldn't accept it at the same time */*

and */*;

. The solution I see is monkey fixing how requests are handled when there are no or malformed mime types, but I'm not sure how to do this. This answer provides a clue, but I don't have it yet.


I can still see these errors and more. New - with :formats=>["hc/url;*/*"]

(Firefox). I'm so surprised this is nobody's business, I don't think I have anything specific in my code that will lead to unusual errors.


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1 answer

gregkare just posted a fix on github .

before_filter :set_default_response_format

def set_default_response_format
  request.format = DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FORMAT if request.format.to_sym.nil?


Not really sure about the side effects, but seems to be working great now.



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