Debugging a Sails.js application within a Webstorm is too much to start

I am developing sails using the Webstorm IDE for debugging. I noticed that when adding more controllers, models, functions, etc. Application load time increases exponentially in debug mode. If a normal application takes 1-2 seconds, then in debug mode it sometimes takes 2 minutes, resulting in "Hook xxx is loading too much" (xxx can be "orm", "request", "logger", etc. etc.) and a big problem in identifying problems with debugging.

Has everyone had problems with Sails and Webstorm? I am developing for both Windows and Ubuntu, node version 0.12, Sails version 0.11.


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1 answer

Yes. I had the same problem on a Mac using Node 12, Webstorm 10, and Sails 11. This happened right after installing Node 12. The project started after about 7 seconds, but in Node 12 it didn't start to catch the timeout. If I lengthened the hook time for the orm, it was simply calculated for the next hook, in my case. Reverting to Node 10.38 fixed the issue.



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