Why is one single function \ printf not showing up on the output console screen, but double \\ does it?

Why is the single one \

in the function printf

not showing up on the output console screen, but double \\


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  //why is double \\ necessary?

  //why here shown error in the second printf?

   printf("  " "dd " "  ");
  //why its executed successfully
  printf(" " "" ");
  //why it is shown errow
  return 0;



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4 answers

backslash is used for escape sequences.

An escape sequence is a sequence of characters that does not represent itself when used within a character or string literal, but translates to another character or sequence of characters that may be difficult or impossible to represent directly. (From Wikipedia)

In C, look at:

\ n for newline, \ t for tab. here the backslash is used as an escape sequence that does not represent itself



here the first backslash is used as an escape sequence. so the second \ backslash will be printed. but



but for this case it's just an escape sequence. so it will show error



An operator \

in a statement is printf()

used to escape characters. For example, \n

means newline

, \0

means null character

. etc. So when you use just \

it expects some character to be escaped. In the second, the printf()

character to be escaped becomes "

, making your statement printf()

incomplete. So it shows an error whereas the first code is \

after the first \

, so it is treated as a character to be displayed, not an escape character.

From Wikipedia

An escape sequence is a sequence of characters that does not represent itself when used inside a character or string literal, but is converted to another character or sequence of characters that may be difficult or impossible to represent directly.




is already used as the first character for escape sequences, for example \n

, this is a newline and \t

is a horizontal tab. To print a character \

, you need an escape sequence \\




because the backslash ie \ is used for escape sequences. These escape sequences are used to perform special tasks like formatting, playing a beep (\ a), and since it is treated as a special character, the compiler thinks you want to do some special task when you write "\" in printf. which means you can't print \ so, to print \ just type it twice "\"



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