Copying a struct component removes another component of the same structure

I am currently learning C and have to program "dynamic array".

In the header file provided to us, the DynArray structure is declared as

struct DynamicArray
    unsigned int size;
    unsigned int capacity;

    int *data;


I've already implemented most of the functions in the dyn_array program, which was supplied with empty functions.
My tricky part is the dn_append (DynamicArray * a, int elem) function. The only description I was given is

// =====================================================================================
//         Name:  dn_append
//  Description:  Append an element.
//   Parameters:  a - the array
//                elem - the new value
//      Returns:  non-zero, if the array was successfully extended
// =====================================================================================


We have a makefile to compile this and some test cases. One test program initializes a new DynArray and then adds some values:

main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
    DynamicArray *a1;
    int                     i;

    a1 = dn_new ( 5 );

    dn_append ( a1,  5 );
    dn_append ( a1,  7 );
    dn_append ( a1,  8 );
    dn_append ( a1, 11 );
    dn_append ( a1, 13 );
    dn_append ( a1, 15 );

    dn_set ( a1, 2, 9 );

    for ( i = 0; i < dn_size ( a1 ); i += 1 )
        printf ( "%d\n", dn_get ( a1, i ) );

    dn_destory ( a1 );

    return 0;


It aborts with a segmentation fault.
My (flawed) implementation is as follows. The outer else-case got completely messed up as debugging made me go crazy. (Note that I will explain the problematic line after the sample code.)

dn_append ( DynamicArray *a, int elem )
    if (a->size >= a->capacity) {
        printf("Array too small");
        int *dataPtr = realloc(a->data, 2*a->capacity);

        if (dataPtr != NULL) {
            a->capacity *= 2;
            a->data = dataPtr;
            a->data[a->size] = elem;
        else {
                return 0;
    else {
        int *dataPtr;
        dataPtr = a->data;

        printf("Size: %d, Capacity: %d\n", a->size, a->capacity);
        int sizeN = a->size;
        printf("Size: %d, Capacity: %d\n", a->size, a->capacity);

        //int offset = sizeN;
        int *temp;
        temp = dataPtr;// + offset;
        //dataPtr[offset] = elem;
        //printf("Data at %d is %d, should be %d\n", offset, *(a->data), elem);


    return 1;


The problematic line is in the outer else-case, in the middle:

    printf("Size: %d, Capacity: %d\n", a->size, a->capacity);
    int sizeN = a->size;
    printf("Size: %d, Capacity: %d\n", a->size, a->capacity);


When I run the program, these lines print

Size: 0, Capacity: 5
Size: 0, Capacity: 0


I don't even touch the capacity

-component of the structure, but sets it to 0, which runs the following program entirely.

After commenting out the line int sizeN = a->size;

, it capacity

stays in order as it should.
I need to read it size

, anyway.

So why the hell is he changing this component?

Additional Information:

dn_new ( unsigned int capacity )
    if (capacity > 0) {
        int *dataPtr = malloc(capacity*sizeof(int));

        if (dataPtr != NULL) {
            struct DynamicArray array = { 0, capacity, dataPtr };
            return &array;
        else {
            return NULL;
    else {
        return NULL;



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2 answers

In dn_new()

you have:

if (dataPtr != NULL) {
    struct DynamicArray array = { 0, capacity, dataPtr };
    return &array;


Here array

is a local variable; after his return, he will be unavailable. You have to allocate memory on the heap for this:

struct DynamicArray *array = malloc(sizeof *array);
array->size = 0;
array->capacity = capacity;
array->data = dataPtr;
return array;


And remember free()

this memory in your destructor function ( dn_destroy()




You seem to be confusing how you interpret your size and capabilities. You use them as if you were counting the number of elements, but you allocated them (s realloc

) as the number of bytes. Change your code to the following:

int *dataPtr = realloc(a->data, 2*a->capacity*sizeof(a->data[0]));




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