How can I check if a Java generic type is a subclass of a comparator?

There is one case that needs to be handled when I try to complete the task: the exception from the generic class type is not comparable. See the following code for details.

 public class C <T>
        public C()
            // throw exception if T is not comparable



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6 answers

You can enforce generic to be subclassed Comparator

like this:

public class C <T extends Comparator> {
    public C(){


As you can see in the code below, it would be nice to add another generic one (here it is K

) that you point to Comparator

, since the generic parameter Comparator

will default to Object


public class C <K, T extends Comparator<K>> {
    public C(){


Typically you use this in a form T x K

where T

is generic, x

is super

or extends

and K

is a class / interface.

Comparator docs



You have to make sure that the common parameter T is Comparable

by writing:

public class C <T extends Comparable>




There are two ways:

1) Make T extends Comparable so you know it will always be.

2) In the constructor, pass the class <T> as a parameter, so at runtime you will know what T. is (because it is erased)



Add a generic constraint, i.e. it would be better as it will handle it at compile time rather than throwing an exception at runtime.

class C <T extends Comparable>




You should check that your parameter T Comparable


 public class C <T extends Comparable>


It's the same if you want the generic type to implement some kind of interface.

public class C <T implements <interface what you want> >


Or if you want it to be the superclass of another.

public class C <T super <class what you want> > 




If you always want a type to T

implement Comparable

, you can enforce it as follows.

public class C<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {

    public C() {



This is better than throwing an exception at runtime. It won't even compile if someone tries to write new C<some non-Comparable type>()

. Note that it Comparable

is a generic type, so it cannot be used without type parameters; it shouldn't be easy

public class C<T extends Comparable>


If a type T

doesn't always implement Comparable

, but you want a particular constructor to work only for types Comparable

, then the answer is that you can't do it with constructors, but you can do it with a static method.

public class C<T> {

    public C() {
        // Constructor that works with any T

    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> C<T> getNew() {
        C<T> c = new C<>();
        // Do stuff that depends on T being Comparable
        return c;




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