Split data by blank row and rename new sheets by cell value from original dataset

I have the following data in Sheet1

with headers as you can see below:

enter image description here

I want to split a large dataset into different sheets with each blank row . Each dataset is separated by an empty row, and each dataset has values ​​in all cells in columns A and E , but their columns B , C , D may be random empty cells. Thus, the determining element for separating the blank lines are in a column E .
Q1: I want to copy titles A1: D1 for new sheets and only copy columns A: D , instead of the column E .
Q2:I want to rename the new sheets to take the value of the cell in column E as my name.

So the results * are as follows:

Sheet ID1


enter image description here

Sheet ID2


enter image description here

Sheet ID3


enter image description here

I tried the following code, it works, but it only copies the first table without renaming the sheet to take the value of the cell in column E, and it has to copy column E so that it only has to copy A: D and it doesn't go through all tables.

Sub Split_Sheets_by_row()
    Dim lLoop As Long, lLoopStop As Long
    Dim rMove As Range, wsNew As Worksheet

    Set rMove = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns("A:E")
    lLoopStop = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rMove, "Heading5")
    For lLoop = 1 To lLoopStop
        Set wsNew = Sheets.Add
        rMove.Find("Heading5", rMove.Cells(1, 1), xlValues, _
        xlPart, , xlNext, False).CurrentRegion.Copy _
        Destination:=wsNew.Cells(1, 1)
    Next lLoop
End Sub


Your help is greatly appreciated.


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1 answer

I took a slightly different approach, but I achieved the results you are looking for.

Sub Split_Sheets_by_row()
    Dim hdr As Range, rng As Range, ws As Worksheet, wsn As Worksheet
    Dim rw As Long, lr As Long, b As Long, blks As Long

    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    With ws
        Set hdr = .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, 4)
        lr = .Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row
        rw = 2
        blks = Application.CountBlank(.Range(.Cells(rw, 1), .Cells(lr, 1))) + 1
        For b = 1 To blks
            Set rng = .Cells(rw, 1).CurrentRegion
            Set rng = rng.Offset(-CBool(b = 1), 0).Resize(rng.Rows.Count + CBool(b = 1), 4)
            Set wsn = Worksheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
            With wsn
                .Name = rng.Offset(0, 4).Cells(1, 1).Value
                hdr.Copy Destination:=.Cells(1, 1)
                rng.Copy Destination:=.Cells(2, 1)
            End With
            rw = rw + rng.Rows.Count + 1
            Set rng = Nothing
            Set wsn = Nothing
            If rw > lr Then Exit For
        Next b
    End With
    Set rng = Nothing
    Set ws = Nothing

End Sub


The header is stored for reuse and the number of data blocks is counted by counting the separator blank lines and adding 1. The value from column E is used to rename the sheet, but is not carried over to the new worksheet during data transfer.

I'm not sure how you want to handle a worksheet with the same name that already exists, but they can be deleted before the new sheet is renamed.



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