Account in c (visual studio)

this is the function code:

void statistics(int arr[], int n, int *positive, int *even, int *doubledigit)
    int i = 0, countP = 0, countE = 0, countD = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if(arr[i] > 0)

        if((arr[i] % 2) == 0)

        if(abs(arr[i]) >= 10 && abs(arr[i]) < 100)

    *positive = countP;
    *even = countE;
    *doubledigit = countD;

void main()
    //  double mat[size][size];
    int *positive = NULL, *even = NULL, *DoubleDigit = NULL;
    int arr4[] = {1, 3, 5, -45, 8, 8, 60, 800};
    int soa = sizeof(arr4);
    statistics(arr4, soa, &positive, &even, &DoubleDigit);


the problem is that the result of the even numbers is 28:

why is it 28? it should count even numbers ...


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4 answers

The return type main()

must first be int


Second, for some reason, you are passing the addresses of int

pointers (which are NULL initialized) to your function. Just pass parameters int*

to your function as it should.

Third, it sizeof

returns the size of the array in bytes. You want to iterate over a number if the elements are in the array, not the number of bytes. Therefore, you need to divide the number of bytes by the number of bytes in each element ( sizeof(int)


Try this instead

int main()
  int positive =0, even = 0, DoubleDigit = 0;
  int arr4[] = { 1, 3, 5, -45, 8, 8, 60, 800 };
  int soa = sizeof(arr4)/sizeof(int);
  statistics(arr4, soa, &positive, &even, &DoubleDigit);




Memory contains memory addresses of some buckets of values:

int *positive = NULL, *even = NULL, *DoubleDigit = NULL;


You want to declare actual slave values ​​where to store results / values, not storage for addresses, so change to:

int positive = 0, even = 0, DoubleDigit = 0;


Also, you want integers in arr4

, so change to:

int soa = sizeof(arr4) / sizeof(int);




In your function main()

: positive



was a pointer. However, you are passing your address to the function statistics()


statistics(arr4, soa, &positive, &even, &DoubleDigit);



statistics(int arr[],int soa,int **positive, int **even, int **DoubleDigit);


but you are declaring it as

statistics(int arr[], int n, int *positive, int *even, int *doubledigit)




Try to run

void statistics( const int arr[], int n, int *positive, int *even, int *doubledigit )
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        if ( arr[i] > 0 ) ++*positive;

        if ( arr[i] % 2 == 0 ) ++*even;

        if ( abs( arr[i] ) >= 10 && abs( arr[i] ) < 100 ) ++*doubledigit;

int main( void )
    int positive = 0, even = 0, DoubleDigit = 0;
    int arr4[] = { 1, 3, 5, -45, 8, 8, 60, 800 };

    int soa = sizeof( arr4 ) / sizeof( *arr4 );
    statistics( arr4, soa, &positive, &even, &DoubleDigit );


Regarding your code then you provided pointers

int *positive = NULL, *even = NULL, *DoubleDigit = NULL;


but they don't point to actual memory.

You call the function to parse the addresses of the pointers themselves

statistics(arr4, soa, &positive, &even, &DoubleDigit);


that is, for example, the expression &positive

has a type int **

, and the corresponding function parameter

void statistics( const int arr[], int n, int *positive, int *even, int *doubledigit )


declared as having type int *

The expression sizeof(arr4)

gives the size in bytes of the array arr4

, while you need to pass the numeric value of the elements in the array.

The main function must have a return type int

int main( void )




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