Transparent UINavigationBar but with blur

By default, UINavigationBar

(and this seems to be the case for UITabBar

), it has a blur effect and is painted white (with some transparency).

What I would like to have is a completely transparent (not transparent!) Bar and keep the blur of what is behind it. Here's the layout:

If I try to set the tint color of a custom color like this: [[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor:someColorWithAlphaLessThanOne];

However, the bar will be colored with exactly the same RGB values, but the alpha is forced to 1. In other words, the bar will be opaque.

If I set the background image of the navbar to a new one UIImage

, then it will be completely transparent but will not have a blur effect.

How do I remove the white cast and keep the blur?


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1 answer

I would try to use a custom one UIView

for the navbar and hide the actual navbar. Then you can blur either with screenshots or with UIVisualEffect

, or LFGlassView

(if you want to support iOS 7 as well)



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