The number of all combinations in the Knapsack problem

There is the classic Knapsack problem . My version of this problem is slightly different.

Given a set of items, each with a weight, determine the number of combinations for packing items so that the total weight is less than or equal to the specified limit.

For example, there are five elements with weight: 1, 1, 3, 4, 5

. Error with limit = 7

. The following combinations exist:

1 + 3
1 + 4
1 + 5
1 + 1 + 3
1 + 1 + 4
1 + 1 + 5
3 + 4


Is there a way to count the number of combinations without being rough?


source to share

3 answers

This is one of the solutions:

items = [1,1,3,4,5]
knapsack = []
limit = 7

def print_solutions(current_item, knapsack, current_sum):
    #if all items have been processed print the solution and return:
    if current_item == len(items):
        print knapsack

    #don't take the current item and go check others
    print_solutions(current_item + 1, list(knapsack), current_sum)

    #take the current item if the value doesn't exceed the limit
    if (current_sum + items[current_item] <= limit):
        current_sum += items[current_item]
        #current item taken go check others
        print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapsack, current_sum )




[3, 4]
[1, 5]
[1, 4]
[1, 3]
[1, 5]
[1, 4]
[1, 3]
[1, 1]
[1, 1, 5]
[1, 1, 4]
[1, 1, 3]





This is a fairly simple extension of the original problem .

As you probably know, you are using DP to solve the original problem, where the element weights must be exactly W. When you are done with DP, you will also have a solution for all weights <W. To get your solution, just summarize the solutions for weights from 1 to W (and +1 for an empty set).


In this case, there is no other way than the brute force of all possible combinations. This problem is NP-hard and will have time complexity O (2 ^ n).

To iterate over use the following code (borrowed from @pjsofts):

items = [1,1,3,4,5]
knapsack = []
limit = 7

def print_solutions(current_item, knapsack, current_sum):
    #if all items have been processed print the solution and return:
    if current_item == len(items):
        print knapsack

    #don't take the current item and go check others
    print_solutions(current_item + 1, list(knapsack), current_sum)

    #take the current item if the value doesn't exceed the limit
    if (current_sum + items[current_item] <= limit):
        current_sum += items[current_item]
        #current item taken go check others
        print_solutions(current_item + 1, knapsack, current_sum )





while others have posted some solutions, here is a translation of a naive extension of the problem using Haskell and simple recursion:

combinations :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
combinations _ [] = [[]]
combinations w (x:xs)
  | w >= x = [ x:ys | ys <- combinations (w-x) xs] ++ combinations w xs
  | otherwise = combinations w xs


test run

λ> combinations 7 [5,4,3,1,1]


what's happening?

starting at 5, you have two options: either you accept it or you don't.

  • If you do this, you have a constraint of 2 to the left and therefore you have to recursively search for how many ways to do it.
  • if not, you still have a limit of 7, but only 1,1,3,4 to search ...

the algorithm translates this into basic Haskell with a reliable readable way - feel free to ask for details


I haven't looked at performance at all, but it should be easy for you to do the same as with the original problem (rewrite table columns, ...)



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