MongoDB 3.0 developer Java query is different without filter

How can I execute a query with the MongoDB 3.0 Java driver?

I am trying to query unique category records from a location collection in MongoDB. In Mongo shell it is very simple:db.locations.distinct("categories");

In Java, this is not the same.

MongoClient client = new MongoClient();
MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("yelp");

//this will not compile, although examples from before 3.0 do it this way
MongoCursor<Document> c = 



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2 answers

To avoid great casts, the MongoCollection API allows you to provide the expected individual value type for a field. For example, if you know that all lines are, for example, you can write:

MongoCursor<String> c = 
   db.getCollection("locations").distinct("categories", String.class).iterator();


or all numbers:

MongoCursor<Number> c = 
   db.getCollection("locations").distinct("categories", Number.class).iterator();


You can still do:

MongoCursor<Object> c = 
   db.getCollection("locations").distinct("categories", Object.class).iterator();


if you cannot guarantee anything about the value types for the field you are requesting.



I'll create a sample database in the MongoDB wrapper and get to delivering a separate Java query with Driver 3.0.

In the shell, create a database with sample data:

use imagedb;
db.image_files.insert({ file: "1.jpg", aspect: "4:3" });
db.image_files.insert({ file: "1.jpg", aspect: "16:9" });
db.image_files.insert({ file: "2.jpg", aspect: "4:3" });
db.image_files.insert({ file: "2.jpg", aspect: "16:9" });
db.image_files.insert({ file: "3.jpg", aspect: "2.35:1" });


In the shell, we can find different entries.

> db.image_files.distinct('file');
[ "1.jpg", "2.jpg", "3.jpg" ]


How do I do this with Java and MongoDB 3.0 driver?

import org.bson.Document;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient();
    MongoDatabase db = mongo.getDatabase("imagedb");
    MongoCollection<Document> filesCollection = db.getCollection("image_files");
    MongoCursor<String> files = filesCollection.distinct("file", String.class).iterator();
    while(files.hasNext()) {




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