How do I get the current line in Kendo context menu?

I have a Kendo context menu for a Kendo grid. I want to extract the value of the current row. It's my opinion:

    .Columns(columns =>
        columns.Bound(x => x.0);

    .Items(items =>
            .Text("1").LinkHtmlAttributes(new { onClick = "confirm()" });

    function confirm(e) {
        var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));


I am getting the value Undefined

for e

. How can I retrieve the current line? And can I extract Model.Id

which is not related in columns?


source to share

3 answers

You can use event Select


    .Items(items =>
    .Events(e => e.Select("selectItem"))


Then select the selected item as follows:

function selectItem(e) {
    var grid = $("kendoGrid");
    var item = grid.dataItem(;
    var data = item.SomeColumn;


If you open the context menu with the right mouse button, it will not select the default row, but item

will undefined

. Add this javascript to make sure the row is selected (note your grid should be .Selectable()


$("#reqRows").on("mousedown", "tr[role='row']", function (e) {
    if (e.which === 3) {
        $("#reqRows tbody tr").removeClass("k-state-selected");


If you want an ID, you need to bind it to the grid. Just keep it hidden:

    .Columns(columns =>
        columns.Bound(x => x.Id).Hidden();
        columns.Bound(x => x.SomeColumn);




This worked for me and there is no need for code that adds / removes the class selected by the k-state:

    function selectItem(e)
        var item = e.sender.dataItem(;





This approach only works when your grid is a Ajax

. When you have Server

a binding
, $("kendoGrid")

has a value of null / undefined.

In this case, I did the following:

  • Define a template on a column with some hidden fields:

    columns.Bound(pg => pg.FileName)
        .Title("My column")
                @* Store information for JS in hidden row fields. *@
                <input type="hidden" class="unique-id-hidden" value="@item.UniqueID" />
                @* Output the visible content. *@

  • Later, in the select

    context menu handler , I do something like:

    function selectItem(e) {
        var uniqueID = $("tr").find('.unique-id-hidden').first().val();
        // Do something with the data.

To get the menu item that triggered the event, you can use $(e.item)




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