Monogame: WAV doesn't play

This is MonoGame 3.4 and I am using it through VS2013. I am compiling my WAV file using mgcb in the same way as my textures. MGCB works great, but when it comes to playing audio using a class SoundEffect

, it doesn't play anything. An exception is thrown and the function SoundEffect.Play()

returns true

, but I can't hear anything. Here's my code:


JumpSound = content.Load<SoundEffect>("SpinJump"); 


A game:

var Ins = JumpSound.CreateInstance();
Ins.Volume = 1f;


The same code plays audio perfectly in an XNA project. Is this a known bug or something else?


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2 answers

I had the same problem. My solution was to reinstall DirectX. For some reason this helped. I was running Windows 10 and VS 2015 Community Edition. I also installed XNA where the same code worked fine!

After reinstalling DirectX ( ) the SoundEffect class started working again!

Hope it helps.



Monogame with VS2017, same problem, ok but no sound, the problem is finally just solved with the ActiveX update.



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