Scala Filter Patterns from String

I have the following code that is supposed to count the number of times a character appears in a string.

  def filter[T] (l: List[T], stays: T ⇒ Boolean): List[T] = {
     if( l == Nil ) return Nil
     if (stays(l.head) == true) l.head :: filter(l.tail, stays)
     else filter(l.tail, stays)

  def countChar(s: String): List[(Char, Int)] = {
    if (s == "") Nil
    else (s(0), s.count(_ == s(0))) :: countChar(filter(s.toList, _ == s(0)).mkString)


Now my problem is that in

filter(s.toList, _ == s(0))


I am getting error: Missing parameter type. I understand it comes from function nesting?

How can I fix this? I know String has some ways to do what I want, but I would like to use my own filtering method.


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1 answer

This is a limitation of the Scala compiler: it tries to figure out what type T

in filter

should be using both arguments l

and stays

. But it fails because the argument type is stays

not specified.

If you don't want to specify the type of the argument stays

every time (i.e. filter(s.toList, (_: Char) == s(0)

), you can split the argument list filter

in two:

def filter[T] (l: List[T])(stays: T ⇒ Boolean): List[T]


Then Scala will know what T

is there Char

by the time the type is parsed stays

. You can call this one filter

with filter(l.tail)(stays)




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