Custom bindings for Ipython terminal

Is it possible to define custom key bindings and / or deactivate the standard Ipython terminal interface?

For example, I have a C+ jand C+ bindings lto move left and right in my terminal by setting the ~ / .inputrc file (Linux), but when using the Ipython terminal, the C+ is lcaptured before and actually clears the screen.

So my questions are:

1) Is it possible to deactivate some Ipython key bindings

2) Better yet, is it possible to completely customize the Ipython layout?


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You can set InteractiveShell.readline_parse_and_bind

in the config file (default value here). It accepts a list of readline configuration commands.

IPython uses .inputrc as well, but things in that config value take a preliminary estimate and Ctrl+ Lis there by default.



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