Import local package

My project structure looks like this:



In main.go I want user user.go:


package models

type User struct {
    Name string



package main

import (...)

func main() {
    user := &User{Name: "Igor"}


How do I import user.go from main.go?

/ project is under the GOPATH, so I tried:

import "project/models"


but that doesn't do anything.


source to share

2 answers

Your installation is correct, you are using the package incorrectly.


user := &User{Name: "Igor"}



user := &models.User{Name: "Igor"}


or if you don't want to always say models.XXX, change your imports.

import . "project/models"


I find this makes the code harder to read in the long run. It is obvious to the reader where "models.User" comes from, not just a regular "user" as usual, it means that it comes from this package.



If you are building a project outside of a go workspace, you can use relative imports :

import "./models"


However, using relative imports is not a good idea. The preferred way is to import the full package path (and place your project in the correct go workspace ):

import ""




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