Updating C3 maps on props with React

I am trying to decorate updating a C3 chart written as a React component when data changes. Data is passed to the component from the parent component through its props.

The solutions that I currently "work", but do not seem to be optimal: when new data appears, the entire graph is regenerated. I would like to move to a new state (the lines are flashing, not a solid chart update). The C3 API seems to have a lot of methods, but I can't seem to find how to get to the graph.

var React = require("react");
var c3 = require("c3");

var ChartDailyRev = React.createClass({
    _renderChart: function (data) {
        var chart = c3.generate({
            bindto: '#chart1',
            data: {
              json: data,
              keys: {
                  x: 'date',
                  value: ['requests', 'revenue']
              type: 'spline',
              types: { 'revenue': 'bar' },
              axes: {
                'requests': 'y',
                'revenue': 'y2'
            axis: {
                x: { type: 'timeseries' },
                y2: { show: true }
    componentDidMount: function () {
    render: function () {
        return (
            <div className="row" id="chart1"></div>

module.exports = ChartDailyRev;



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1 answer

In accordance with the project documentation :

Using the API, you can update the graph after it has been rendered .... API objects can be called through the object returned from generate()


So the first thing you need to do is save the link to the diagram when you create it. It's easy enough to attach it directly to the component:

var ChartDailyRev = React.createClass({
    _renderChart: function (data) {
        // save reference to our chart to the instance
        this.chart = c3.generate({
            bindto: '#chart1',
            // ...

    componentDidMount: function () {

    // ...


Then you want to update the chart when the props are updated; React provides a named lifecycle binding componentWillReceiveProps

that is triggered when props change.

var ChartDailyRev = React.createClass({
    // ...

    componentWillReceiveProps: function (newProps) {
            json: newProps.data
        }); // or whatever API you need


(Remember to remove this._renderChart

from the function render




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