How do I define the class of an object in Scala?

I need to check that y is strictly an instance of bar AND NOT foo . How do I do this in Scala?

trait foo {}

trait bar extends foo {}

val x = new foo {}
val y = new bar {}

x.isInstanceOf[foo] // true
x.isInstanceOf[bar] // false

y.isInstanceOf[bar] // true
y.isInstanceOf[foo] // true (but I want it to return false)



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2 answers

There is a class in the title of your question, but the actual question uses traits. You can do something like this through runtime reflection with classes. Let's create a convenience method to get the reflect.runtime.universe.Type


import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

def tpeOf[A](a: A)(implicit tt: TypeTag[A]): Type = tt.tpe


And some examples of classes:

class Foo
class Bar extends Foo
val x = new Foo
val y = new Bar


We can use our method tpeOf

to get Type

from x

and y

and compare it to Type


that obtained with typeOf

. This will give the desired results.

scala> tpeOf(x) =:= typeOf[Foo]
res0: Boolean = true

scala> tpeOf(x) =:= typeOf[Bar]
res1: Boolean = false

scala> tpeOf(y) =:= typeOf[Foo]
res2: Boolean = false

scala> tpeOf(y) =:= typeOf[Bar]
res3: Boolean = true


But that doesn't work for traits because in your example y

it is not an instance bar

, it is an instance of an anonymous class that extends bar

. Therefore using this method will always give false


trait foo {}
trait bar extends foo {}
val x = new foo {}
val y = new bar {}

scala> tpeOf(x) =:= typeOf[bar]
res4: Boolean = false   // As expected, `x` is not exactly `bar`





will work if you just create new instances. But you are creating new anonymous classes and instances of those.

For those involved with foo and bar, it's the same: they are superclasses.



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