Can't get the page to scroll up to refresh chrome

I am trying to get the page to scroll to the top in order to update something like this



But this happens before the automatic scrolling down on the update occurs. My script runs and then the browser restores its last position.

I am running the code in several places like






BUt the same thing happens all the time. Should I put this code somewhere else? Load JS into a specific part of HTML? Is there anything else in pure JS or jQuery that might help me with this problem?


I tried with $(html, body).scrollTo(0)

and couldn't get it to work

I tried without jQuery and nothing happened



I turned off everything I wrote in Javascript, and put only this piece of code, and nothing happened.

@ edit2

I've had this problem before and I'm pretty sure I "solved" it with the help setTimeout

as @ raam86 suggested. The problem is that I am doing some math on page load and this needs to be done before the user starts scrolling up and down


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3 answers

Correct answer:

window.onbeforeunload = function () {


Because Chrome and other browsers "remember" the last scroll position before unloading, so if you set a value to 0.0 just before unloading your page, they will remember 0.0 and won't scroll back to where the scrollbar was :)

More recently, on all page controllers and they will scroll up to reload / refresh / others



Try the following:

                                window.scrollTo(0, 0);
                        }, 0);




Try using a dial timeout.

something like:

var _TIMEOUT = 300
setTimeout(function(){$(window).scrollTo(0)},_TIMEOUT );


This will hopefully be fired after chrome scrolling. if it doesn't try to mess with the timeout



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