Javascript message for validating username health

I'm trying to check if the register username is available, but every time the client returns his username.

This is my client code:

    var user = $("#register_username").val();
        username: user
    function(data, status){
        if(data == '1')
            alert('Good, username its available!');
            alert('Snap!You cant use this username :(!');


And this is the serveride code:

if(strlen($_POST['username']) > 0)
    $usr = $_POST['username'];
    if($usr == 'test')
        echo '1';
        echo '2';


PHP version: 5.5


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1 answer

First of all, I think if the input field was "test", it would say "you cannot use this username"?

in your code if typing "test" ($usr == "test" - that comes from input)

you echo 1

, and in your code 1 means username is available ? So shouldn't it be back?

Does it say "username is available" with every input?



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