R Add the value of the previous month as a column

I have a datasheet with date and price by month:

dat <- data.table(DATE=c("2014-01-01","2014-02-01","2014-03-01","2014-04-01",
              PRICE=rnorm(n = 12, mean=100, sd=15))

      DATE     PRICE
1: 2014-01-01 108.83590
2: 2014-02-01  67.69042
3: 2014-03-01 122.28905
4: 2014-04-01  93.50617
5: 2014-05-01 109.57878
6: 2014-06-01 128.81537
7: 2014-07-01  82.67295
8: 2014-08-01  68.25281
9: 2014-09-01  82.98265
10: 2014-10-01 124.28960
11: 2014-11-01  84.61275
12: 2014-12-01  93.14938


I would like to add the price of previous months as a column in the data table, so the table would look like this:

1: 2014-01-01 108.83590
2: 2014-02-01  67.69042 108.83590
3: 2014-03-01 122.28905 67.69042
10: 2014-10-01 124.28960 82.98265
11: 2014-11-01  84.61275 124.28960
12: 2014-12-01  93.14938  84.61275


How would I do this in R?


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2 answers

Use shift

from data.table

v> = 1.9.5 (on GitHub)

dat[, PRICE_PREV := shift(PRICE)]
#           DATE     PRICE PRICE_PREV
#  1: 2014-01-01 108.95158         NA
#  2: 2014-02-01 107.23918  108.95158
#  3: 2014-03-01 124.96608  107.23918
#  4: 2014-04-01  99.61007  124.96608
#  5: 2014-05-01 118.13540   99.61007
#  6: 2014-06-01 108.70528  118.13540
#  7: 2014-07-01  93.12482  108.70528
#  8: 2014-08-01 100.06829   93.12482
#  9: 2014-09-01 103.14932  100.06829
# 10: 2014-10-01 122.66710  103.14932
# 11: 2014-11-01 104.84064  122.66710
# 12: 2014-12-01 113.37610  104.84064


If you have an older version (v <1.9.5) you can also do

dat[, PRICE_PREV := c(NA, PRICE[-.N])]




The first term has no known price for the previous month (I guess if so, you can replace NA with it).

The following code should work fine. The first line creates a new vector, the second adds it as a column to dat, and the third removes the vector (like dat is now, and we don't need it separately).

PRICE_PREV <- c(NA, dat$PRICE[1:length(dat$PRICE)-1])
dat <- cbind(dat, PRICE_PREV)




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