A faster way to search than nested loops in python

I am trying to find the optimal least expected cost order for an array.


input = [[390, 185, 624], [686, 351, 947], [276, 1023, 1024], [199, 148, 250]]


This is an array of four options, the first number is the cost, and the second is the probability of getting a result, the first ( [i][1]

) of which is the numerator and the second ( [i][2]

) is the denominator.

The goal is to find the optimal ordering of these value / probability pairs that will produce a result of at least total cost.

def answer(input):

    from itertools import permutations

    length = len(input)
    best_total = 999
    for combination in permutations(input):
        # print combination
        total = 0.0
        for i in range(0, length):
            current_value = 1.0
            for j in range(0, i):
                current_value = current_value * (1.0 -  \
                (float(combination[j][1]) / float(combination[j][2])))
            total = total + (float(combination[i][0]) * current_value)
            if total > best_total:
                i = length
        # print total
        if total <= best_total:
            best_total = total
            best_combination = combination

    answer = map(input.index, best_combination)

    return answer



print answer(input)


should return

[2, 3, 0, 1]


for the given input.

This is obviously an exhaustive search that changes very quickly very quickly with more than four options. I have looked at binary search trees as the input for them is very similar, however I cannot figure out how to implement it.

I've been working on this for four days and don't seem to come up with a quick version that works for any input (assuming positive costs and probabilities).

This is not homework or anything, just a puzzle I was trying to figure out.


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1 answer

I would determine the value of each case in the original array, store those values, and then sort the list. It's in python 3, so I don't know if this affects you.

Determining the meaning of each case in the original array and storing it:

inputA = [[390, 185, 624], [686, 351, 947], [276, 1023, 1024], [199, 148, 250]]
results = []
for idx,val in enumerate(inputA):
    results.append((val[0]*val[1]/val[2], idx))


Sorting the list, extracting positions:

l = lambda t:t[1]


Iterating over the list O(n)

and sorting is O(nlogn)

. Map / list / print repeats it again for O(n)

, so performance should be O(nlogn)




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