Codeigniter foreach lookup table layout

Struggling with building html table layout. Here's where I want to display:

Player | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3
  1    |   11   |   19   |   7
  2    |   14   |   12   |   10
  3    |    9   |   15   |   13


But here's everything I managed to get:

Player | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3
  1    |   11   |        |   
  1    |   19   |        |   
  1    |    7   |        |   
  2    |   14   |        |   
  2    |   12   |        |   
  2    |   10   |        |   
  3    |    9   |        |   
  3    |   15   |        |   
  3    |   13   |        |   


Values ​​are taken from one table ( results

) with columns "Player", "Week" and "Score"

Here is the function in the model:

public function get_results(){
    for($plyr=1;$plyr<3;$plyr++) {
      $this->db->select('player, week, score');

      $query = $this->db->get();
      return $query->result();


Here's a view:

<?php foreach($results as $result) : ?>
        <td><?php echo $result->player; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $result->score; ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>


I don't know how to do this to display it as shown above. I have tried nesting foreach loops in the viewpoint, but no luck. There is no way to think about how a nested foreach might work in a model function, especially since I want Player # to iterate only once, while each of its weekly evaluations is repeated on the same line.

edit: I made the tables clearer


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1 answer

Summary results

If you always have 3 weeks, you can roll up your results using conditional aggregation to get an estimate for each week.

    sum(case when week = 'Week 1' then score end) 'Week 1',
    sum(case when week = 'Week 2' then score end) 'Week 2',
    sum(case when week = 'Week 3' then score end) 'Week 3'");
  $query = $this->db->get();
  return $query->result();


Alternative: Reindex data in PHP

Another solution is to save the current request and re-index the data in php, first by the player, then weekly so that each is player,week

mapped to score


$resultsByPlayer = array();

foreach($results as $result) {
    $resultsByPlayer[$result->player][$result->week] = $result->score;

foreach($resultsByPlayer as $player => $resultsByWeek) {
    print "<tr><td>$player</td>";
    foreach($resultsByWeek as $week => $score) {
        print "<td>$score</td>";
    print "</tr>";




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