Returning AJAX HTML response without CSS / JS intervention

I have an AJAX call to the server that will return an HTML response. This HTML response will include HTML, CSS and JS. I would like to include this answer on my current page so that the user can view the answer. I tried the following, but the CSS from the answer applies to my current page. Is there a way to prevent CSS from being used for my current page?

Please note that I have no control over the CSS returned by the server. The server may return a CSS, which is designed for all types of elements p { color:red }

: (

$.ajax ({
    type: TYPE,
    contentType: CONTENT_TYPE,
    url: URL,
    headers: {
        firstName: firstName,
        lastName: lastName
.done( function(msg) {

<div id="response"></div>



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3 answers

I expanded Braks idea of using iframe, creating an iframe, and replacing it with the content on the jQuery: $('<iframe id="someId"/>').appendTo('#someDiv').contents().find('body').append(response);


You can learn more about this at: Create an <iframe> element and add html content to it using jQuery




Assuming the CSS answer is in style:

var _html = $('<div>' + msg + '</div>'); // Parses response string
_html.find('style').remove(); // Selects and removes style tags
msg = _html.html(); // Makes it a string again


This will strip all tags <style>

to a line

<h / "> You can also remove all attributes style


var _html = $('<div>' + msg + '</div>');
msg = _html.html();


<h / "> If their <link>

var _html = $('<div>' + msg + '</div>');
msg = _html.html();


You can always combine them to get the desired result.

<h / ">

floating frames

You can use iframe

to get the result:

$('#response').attr('src', 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(msg));


<h / ">

Cut <style>

and <link>


.done(function(msg) {
    var _html = $('<div>' + msg + '</div>');
    _html.find('style, link[rel=stylesheet]').remove();




Better to use a CSS selector. Maybe wrap the result in a container div and add a class to it. Then your css can only be used for target elements inside that div.



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