Joint Test Fixture for Meteor Cucumber and Jasmine

How can I share the fastening between my cucumber and jasmine dough?

I can create an instrument with one jasmine server integration test that can be used with other jasmine server integration tests. But (because of the different "mirrors" I guess?) I can't use the same fixture in the cucumber dough. Mongo collection does not contain data generated by jasmine server integration tests.

One option is to save the state in a flat file or toe, something like outside a meteor. But it would be much easier to reference a shared collection (same mirror?) For test fixtures. Is it possible?


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3 answers

You can use the sample light package to achieve what you are asking for. See here:

Any packages you create with a flag debugOnly

in the package descriptor will not be included.



Everything is possible. However, I do not recommend making tests dependent on each other. As Wikipedia states :

Ideally, each test case is independent of the others.

Several reasons why your tests should be independent:

  • It is easier to narrow down the problem if the tests fail (if the tests depend on each other, you will have some test failures where the predecessor simply failed)
  • Allows parallelization to reduce overall test run time (as the test suite grows).

Currently, the Velocity 5000 Hard Drive Port for your application's test mirror instance, but I know there are attempts to configure this port (which would have to be supported by the test frames themselves).



The summary answer to this question is that shared execution state between test tools is not supported (although both can execute code from the same fixture package). The use I am using is not a common pattern and is due to some kind of dependency between tests.

To get what I'm going for, I had to write my own tool . What I wanted was basically a wrapper around the knock to help me generate test fixtures by recording the results of my e2e tests with integration enabled.



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