Using .do extension as .php extension for all php files

How can I hide regular PHP filename extensions and use native extensions?

For example, using

instead of example.php


I want files with a name extension to .do

be treated as PHP files so I can access the

. How can i do this?


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2 answers

Add the following line to the file .htaccess

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .do


This tells the server to treat all files ending in .do

like .php




Another alternative is sethandler


According to Apache documentation , the difference is this:

If you prefer only the last dotted part of the filename to match against a specific piece of metadata, then don't use the Add * directives. For example, if you want the foo.html.cgi file to be processed as a CGI script but not bar.cgi.html, then instead of using AddHandler cgi-script.cgi use
<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.cgi$">
  SetHandler cgi-script




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