Dynamic dual menu

Good afternoon, who reads. I am asking for help in a situation that I cannot solve .... I tried to make a double navigation menu - clicking on one from the first navigation menu will load into the "top_menu" block - options from the second menu; and the option in the second menu will load the content to block the content.

dynamic click which I am implementing in the following function:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#link_from_first_menu').click(function () {
        return false;


So this part works, I mean, I loaded the second menu from the first one fine, but when I have a similar function to load content from the second menu, it doesn't load content ...

$('#link_from_second_menu').click(function () {
    return false;


So, as a result, I have the first menu and the second, but I cannot load the content from the second. Please help me understand this or please give me another option to do this.


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1 answer

Ok you can try .on ('click')

$(document).on('click','#link_from_second_menu',function () {
    return false;



$('#link_from_second_menu').click(function () {
    return false;


can my answer help you .. and has always been used instead of .on ('click') instead of .click () specifically after adding or uploading



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