Why can't I identify the next CoFixpoint?

I use:

$ coqtop -v
The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.4pl5 (February 2015)
compiled on Feb 06 2015 17:44:41 with OCaml 4.02.1


I have identified the following type CoInductive

, stream


$ coqtop
Welcome to Coq 8.4pl5 (February 2015)

Coq < CoInductive stream (A : Type) : Type := 
Coq < | Cons : A -> stream A -> stream A.
stream is defined

Coq < Check stream.
     : Type -> Type

Coq < Check Cons.
     : forall A : Type, A -> stream A -> stream A


Then I tried to determine the following definition CoFixpoint

, zeros


Coq < CoFixpoint zeros : stream nat := Cons 0 zeros.


However, I got the following error instead:

Toplevel input, characters 38-39:
> CoFixpoint zeros : stream nat := Cons 0 zeros.
>                                       ^
Error: In environment
zeros : stream nat
The term "0" has type "nat" while it is expected to have type 


I realized that I need to explicitly specify the variable A


Coq < CoFixpoint zeros : stream nat := Cons nat 0 zeros.
zeros is corecursively defined


Why isn't Coq emitting a type A

by itself? How do I infer the type A



source to share

1 answer

You need to declare A

as implicit in order to ask Coq to do this for you. There are several ways to do this:

  • Add to your following declaration: Set Implicit Arguments.

    . This will force Coq to enable auto-inference for arguments such as A

    for Cons

    , allowing you to write Cons 0 zeros


  • Include implicit arguments for only Cons

    , without affecting the rest of the file:

    Arguments Cons {A} _ _.

    This declaration is marked A

    as implicit and leaves the other two arguments explicit.

  • Mark A

    as implicit in the definition stream


    CoInductive stream {A : Type} : Type := 
    | Cons : A -> stream A -> stream A.

    I personally don't recommend doing this as it will mark A

    as implicit for stream


More information on implicit arguments can be found in the reference manual



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