How to store HashMap <Integer, ArrayList <String> for SQLite?

I need to store the HashMap value on SQLite using Keyset and reuse it when the app is restarted using shared preference.

HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> hashMap;
hashMap = new HashMap<>();
//Insert Value
hashMap.put(btn.getId(), listValue);
// Read a Value
Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<String>> entry = (Map.Entry<Integer,   ArrayList<String>>);

for (Integer ihashId :hashMap.keySet()) {
    if( btnid == ihashId)
       Set<Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<String>>> setMap = hashMap.entrySet();
       Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer,  ArrayList<String>>> iteratorMap =  setMap.iterator();
       while (iteratorMap.hasNext()) {
             Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<String>> entry = (Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<String>>);
             ArrayList<String> values = entry.getValue();
             if (btnId == entry.getKey()) {




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1 answer

Original answer before question Edited: The
HashMap is already serializable, so you can store the HashMap directly in your sqlite database as a BLOB. Though you won't be able to read its contents until you serialize it.

You have to put long running operations inside an async task. If you want the variable reference to survive configuration changes, you should use the snippet and use setRetainInstance(true)

, although whether or not you keep your reference to the AsyncTask it is independent of the UI thread and will continue to work.

Always use a manual computed loop when using ArrayList as it has better performance.

As you can see from this comparison , using the array size for a loop with a set counter is much faster than for each loop:

private static List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for(int j = list.size(); j > size ; j--)
    //do stuff




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