Mongodb amount not populated before fee is removed?

Question: How do I know when the build + $ sort + $ output is complete?

Problem: I create a new collection "tmp332". Then I use aggregate + $ sort + $ output to create a new collection "tmp332sorted". If I delete the original "tmp332" as in the example code, "tmp332sorted" will only have one document.

Why temporary collections and not just grouping of aggregates? I am trying to avoid the problem with BufBuilder's 64MB limit.


MongoDB 3.0.2 local installation on Windows 8.1 Pro (same issue with 2.6)


*Collection "cars" (2,5M documents with 19 fields each):*
  "_id" : ObjectId("55115258eddc7b9bf363d323"),
  "postcode" : "332",  
  "co2" : 190,
  "km" : 229575,

Collection "carpostcodes" (848 documents):
  "_id" : ObjectId("554654ecaabf97a2674f081d"),
  "postcode" : "332"

Collection "tmp332km" and "tmp332kmsorted":
  "_id" : ObjectId("5546b4a2b172d8982e2a7be7"),
  "co2" : 190



  var fields = [.. ,"co2","km", ..];
var groupCarDetails = function(document) {

        for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            var emit_object = {};
            var sort_object = {};
            var colName = "tmp" + document.postcode + fields[i];
            emit_object[fields[i]] = document[fields[i]]
            sort_object[fields[i]] = 1;
                    { $sort :  sort_object },
                    { $out: colName + "sorted"}

    //skip and limit are just for testing purposes
    db.carspostcodes.find().skip(100).limit( 2 ).forEach(function(obj){{postcode: obj.postcode}).forEach(groupCarDetails);


I also tried to create my own for-loop for db [colName] .drop () ;. Only separate js file seems to work. The following code doesn't help if in the same js.

var deleteTmpCollections = function(document) {

    for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {

        var colName = "tmp" + document.postcode + fields[i];



db.carspostcodes.find().skip(100).limit( 2 ).forEach(function(obj){{postcode: obj.postcode}).forEach(deleteTmpCollections);



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