Android AdMob Mediation - Not Receiving Ads With Mediated Networks

I am trying to set up an Android app to serve ads from mediated networks (which, by the way, has no explanation anywhere else) and this is what I have done so far:

1) I copied the publisher id to the xml view that will show ads and now only AdMob ads are displayed on the device.

2) I created ad slots on linked networks and linked them to my AdMob reseller using identifiers provided by the networks.

3) I have imported the required SDKs and network adapters in my project

4) I added the required permissions and network actions in my manifest

Now this is my code:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    FlurryAdapterExtras flurryAdapterExtras = new FlurryAdapterExtras();

    MillennialAdapterExtras millenialAdapterExtras = new MillennialAdapterExtras();

    AdView mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(;
    AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()



And I only get ads from AdMob, there is not even any mention of other networks in LogCat ...

What could be wrong?


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2 answers

You will only receive an ad from another network

  • If you have an ad for you at the moment
  • They are placed higher in the mediation stream than Admob
  • You are not asking for test ads.


There is nothing bad. This means that TEST DEVICE only receives test ads.



You can remove this line to get real ads. Be careful, because clicking on your own ads is a huge no. Also, since there will be no other network ads in test mode.



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