How do I find the start date of a week from a specific date?

I have a concern that I want to get the start date of the week from a given date, for example: 15/04/2015 So the start of the week would be: 13/04/2015 (for me, the start of the week is Monday).



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2 answers

Try it :-)

Dim FirstDayInWeek, LastDayInWeek  As Variant
Dim dtmDate As Date
dtmDate = "15/04/2015"


Start date of the week:

FirstDayInWeek = dtmDate - Weekday(dtmDate, vbUseSystem) + 1
MsgBox FirstDayInWeek


End date of the week

LastDayInWeek = dtmDate - Weekday(dtmDate, vbUseSystem) + 7
MsgBox LastDayInWeek




Try this Formula: -



Where A1 contains your input date.



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