Std :: tuple as template argument?

I am trying to write a pattern comparison class std::sort

that needs to get an unknown number of tuples (variational pattern). Each tuple should consist of a column (some type that we have in our code) and a bool indicating whether this column should be sorted in ascending or descending order.

Basically, I want something similar to this:

// doesn't compile - conceptual code
template <typename std::tuple<Col, bool>>
struct Comparator
    bool operator() (int lhs, int rhs)
         // lhs and rhs are row indices. Depending on the columns
         // and the bools received, decide which index should come first


Is this possible in C ++ 11?


source to share

3 answers

Yes, it is possible - you need partial specialization Comparator


template <typename T>
struct Comparator;

template <typename Col>
struct Comparator<std::tuple<Col, bool>>
    // ...




Is it possible? Yes, but you need some pretty ugly boilerplate tricks for that.

//a trait for checking if a type is of the form std::tuple<T,bool>
template <class Tuple>
struct is_col_bool_tuple : false_type{};

template <typename Col>
struct is_col_bool_tuple<std::tuple<Col,bool>> : true_type{};

//a helper struct for checking if all the values in a boolean pack are true
template<bool...> struct bool_pack;
template<bool... bs> 
using all_true = std::is_same<bool_pack<bs..., true>, bool_pack<true, bs...>>;

//a trait to check if a list of types are all of the form std::tuple<T,bool>
template <class... Tuples>
using are_col_bool_tuples = all_true<is_col_bool_tuple<Tuples>::value...>;

//an incomplete type for when we pass incorrect template arguments
//this impl helper is needed because variadic parameters need to be last
template <typename Enable, class... Tuples>
struct ComparatorImpl;

//our specialized implementation for when the template arguments are correct
template <class... Tuples>
struct ComparatorImpl<std::enable_if_t<are_col_bool_tuples<Tuples...>::value>,
     bool operator() (int lhs, int rhs)
         //do your comparison

//a nice alias template for forwarding our types to the SFINAE-checked class template
template <class... Tuples>
using Comparator = ComparatorImpl<void, Tuples...>;




Typically, yes, you can partially customize variation patterns.

In your case, I would use these 3 specializations:

First, a general definition, as you can see, you don't need to define its body:

template <typename ...ColOrderType>
class Comparator;


Second, an intermediate step:

template <typename Col, typename ...ColOrderType>
struct Comparator<std::tuple<Col,bool>, ColOrderType...> 
    : public Comparator<ColOrderType...>
    typedef Comparator<ColOrderType...> Base;
    Comparator(std::tuple<Col,bool> const& firstOrder, 
               ColOrderType&&... nextOrders) 
       : Base(std::forward<ColOrderType>(nextOrders)...),
    // this is implementation of `operator <` - feel free to change
    template  <typename T>
    bool operator() (T const& lhs, T const& rhs)
        auto&& lcol = get(std::get<0>(currentOrder), lhs);
        auto&& rcol = get(std::get<0>(currentOrder), rhs);
        bool order = std::get<1>(currentOrder);
        if (lcol < rcol) return order;
        if (rcol < lcol) return not order;
        return Base::operator()(lhs, rhs);
    std::tuple<Col,bool> currentOrder;


And the sentinel class:

template <>
struct Comparator<> 
    template  <typename T>
    bool operator() (T const& lhs, T const& rhs)
        return false;


Note that you will not be able to pass types other than std :: tuple of two elements - the definition Comparator

does not allow this - therefore the general definition is undefined.

And about the function get

in this part:

        auto&& lcol = get(std::get<0>(currentOrder), lhs);
        auto&& rcol = get(std::get<0>(currentOrder), rhs);


I don't know how you will get the column value from the row based on the first passed value tuple

- so I assume you know how to do it - replace that part with your code.



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