An accessible example of a cursor in Java using Driver 3.0?

Can anyone provide a complete example of using a cursor in Java? I am using driver 3.0 and all examples look like 2.x. I only have mongo-java-driver-3.0.0.jar in my classpath. I want to get all documents as they are inserted into my bounded collection.

//this does not work...
MongoCollection<BasicDBObject> col = database.getCollection(colName, BasicDBObject.class);
DBCursor cur = col.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("$natural", 1))

// And this does not work...
BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start();
DBObject searchQuery = builder.get();
DBObject sortBy = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$natural", 1).get();
BasicDBObjectBuilder builderForFields = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start();
DBObject fields = builderForFields.get();
DBCursor cursor = new DBCursor(col, searchQuery, fields, ReadPreference.primary()  );

//this does work but only returns the messageNumber field. I need the doc.
  MongoCursor<Long> c = database.getCollection(colName).distinct("messageNumber", Long.class).iterator();


I can see that the MongoCursor interface was added in 3.0. What does this mean and will replace DBCursor?

Thank you so much


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3 answers

A bit late for the party, but if you still need help:



This code belongs to the class MongoCollection


CursorType is an enumeration and has the following meanings:



As per the old DBCursor addOption Bytes types:



I hope this helps.



This is what you might be looking for - EVENT Streaming in MongoDB 3.0. * using the new api ie 3.0.2

Document query = new Document(); \\here use { indexedField: { $gt: <lastvalue> } index is not used(except for auto deleting documents) but created in capped collection
Document projection = new Document();
MongoCursor<Document> cursor= mongocollection.find(query).projection(projection).cursorType(CursorType.TailableAwait).iterator();  //add .noCursorTimeout(true) here to avoid timeout if you are working on big data

while (cursor.hasNext()){
    Document doc =;
    //do what you want with doc


This way the mongo cursor will check for new entries in the private collection



On your last line, replace .distinct("messageNumber", Long.class)

with .find()


distinct(String fieldName, Class<TResult> resultClass)

returns only the unique values ​​of the single field you are requesting.


returns all documents in a collection with all their fields.



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