Use template class before specifying it

For some reason, I need to return the value as a template class specified by type. But the problem is that the template class inherits from the non-template class, which has a method, returns the value of the template class specified in the type.

It should be like this:

class Base
    // ...
    _Int Foo() = 0;

template<typename T>
class Derived
    : public Base
    // ...
    _Int Foo() override
        // ...

typedef Derived<int> _Int;


So my question is, is there a way that can help me use the specified template class type before it is defined?


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2 answers

To declare the return type of a function, you don't need a type definition, just a declaration. This means that you can do this:

template <class T>
class Derived;

typedef Derived<int> _Int;

class Base
    // ...
    virtual _Int Foo() = 0;

template<typename T>
class Derived
    : public Base
    // ...
    _Int Foo() override
        // ...


[Live example]

Two side notes unrelated to the question:

  • Your code was missing virtual

    from the declaration Foo


  • Any name beginning with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter is reserved for the C ++ implementation (compiler and standard library) and should not be used in user code. You must change the name _Int

    to something else.

    Names that contain two consecutive underscores are also reserved, and names beginning with an underscore are reserved in the global scope.



This is an instance of a curiously repeating template template that can be used by passing a derived class as a template parameter to the base class

template<typename Int>
class Base
    // ...
    virtual Int Foo() = 0;


and then passing it explicitly on inheritance:

template<typename T>
class Derived
    : public Base<Derived<T>>
    // ...
    Derived<T> Foo() override
        // ...




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