Edit all rows in a column, c # data table

I have a data table filled with data from a file that has been read. I want to then edit all the rows in a specific column. In my case, dividing the speed column by 1.6 to convert to MPH from KMH.

i tried below code but i am getting index out of range

foreach (DataRow row in data_table.Rows) {
     row["Speed (KM/H)"] = speed[x]/1.6;


here is the code that populates the data table with the file

 private void display_hrm_data() {
     /* array heart_rate_table set to heart_rate
      * adds each column
      * for every piece of data in heart_rate_table add rows
     data_table.Columns.Add("Heart Rate (BPM)", typeof(string));
     data_table.Columns.Add("Speed (KM/H)", typeof(int));
     data_table.Columns.Add("Cadence (RPM)", typeof(int));
     data_table.Columns.Add("Altitude (M)", typeof(int));
     data_table.Columns.Add("Power (Watts)", typeof(int));
     data_table.Columns.Add("Time (Seconds)", typeof(int));
     for (int x = 0; x < heart_rate.Count - 1; x++) {
         time = time + 1;
         data_table.Rows.Add(heart_rate[x],speed[x],cadence[x],altitude[x],power[x], time);
     dgv_data.DataSource = data_table;



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1 answer

You can use extensions Field

and SetField

, which are strongly typed, otherwise you have to cast fields manually from object to int

. You are getting an exception IndexOutOfRange

because it x

appears to be an invalid index. Use a column name.

So for example:

DataColumn speedCol = data_table.Columns["Speed (KM/H)"];
foreach (DataRow row in data_table.Rows)
    int oldSpeed = row.Field<int>(speedCol);
    row.SetField(speedCol, oldSpeed / 1.6); 




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