Initiating an interactive CLI command with Expect exit from 0 before when executed as Symfony Process in Behat context

This is a pretty advanced question, maybe you won't need to know Symfony and Behat to understand the problem.

So, to test the input and output of an interactive CLI application bin/albumgrab

that I wrote in PHP using the Symfony Console component, I set up my Behat function context to create a expect

script, execute through exec


This command is exec

run in PHP via Symfony Process


$expect = <<<BASH
exec expect -c '
    set timeout 180
    spawn bin/albumgrab
    expect "Please enter the name of the directory"
    send "/tmp/php-london\n"
    expect "Please enter the URL to the first image"
    send "\\n"


$process = new Symfony\Component\Process\Process($expect);



However, when it goes through the second entrance, it appears to exit, but successfully.




Runs it completely, but will print directly to stdout and I can no longer capture the output to make an assertion, even with PHP output buffered.

I figured PTY would be more appropriate:



As it was in the solution on StackOverflow question . However, this is not supported everywhere, at least not for Mac OS X.

You can see what I have tried so far on Github: and Travis output for last try jobs / 61137499

So my main question is why does it keep staying at 0 before and how to prevent it?


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2 answers

As per the answer Wait Script wait Command Hangs, you need to wait for EOF instead of command interact


set timeout 180
spawn ./bin/albumgrab
expect "Please enter the name of the directory"
send "/tmp/php-london\n"
expect "Please enter the URL to the first image"
send "\n"
expect EOF


Here's the complete Script I used for testing on OS X:


require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;

$expect = <<<BASH
exec expect -c '
    set timeout 180
    spawn ./bin/albumgrab
    expect "Please enter the name of the directory"
    send "/tmp/php-london\n"
    expect "Please enter the URL to the first image"
    send "\\n"
    expect EOF


$process = new Process($expect);

$process->wait(function ($type, $buffer) {
    if (Process::ERR === $type) {
        echo 'ERR > '.$buffer;
    } else {
        echo 'OUT > '.$buffer;

if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
    throw new \RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());




To get the answer to the question - you definitely need a terminal (TTY) or pseudo-terminal (PTY) to receive any user input.

This is why - without $process->setTty(true)

or setPty(true)

- the QuestionHelper silently reverts to its default, and the command succeeds with an exit code of 0.

Now - to test your command with sample user input - you should be using the symfony console helper components, not expect.



How to use these helpers is described in the cookbook chapter Testing a Command That Expects Input .



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