What is the best way to store local data in the meteor mobile app?

I am developing android app in meteor. Now I want to save the registered user data. What is the best way to store user logged data. I checked the values session

and local storage

after changing the application.


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4 answers

I think you have a bug somewhere, local storage needs to be persistent. Check out this stack of question .

The session doesn't have to be permanent, it's just a terrible and confusing name. There's a package to make it permanent.

You can use Web Storage , it is well supported on decent browsers. Chrome has a decent article on this.



Currently, there are not many storage settings in Meteor . The best tool so far is probably GroundDB



Why not use a collection to store this information and use that collection via the GroundDb meteor package? it will store everything in localStorage and will use it when the app is disconnected. It can also resynchronize data from the collection when the connection returns.

Here is the link: GroundDb on atmosphere



Here's a working example repo and write a blog by Raphael Quintanilha



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