How do I use a client certificate using HTTPS?

How do you provide all the details required for an HTTPS request with an SSL client certificate?


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1 answer

Ok, so I looked around and found pieces of what I need. I want to provide this for everyone who is struggling. All files were placed in PEM format. I used a file client.key

to generate the CSR that was provided to the server admin. In return, I got a P7B file, which I then needed to convert to PEM files. Files root.cer

and client.cer

came from P7b.

  uri = URI.parse(my_url_stril)
  http =, uri.port)
  http.use_ssl = true
  http.cert ="client.cer"))
  http.ca_file = 'root.cer'
  http.key ="client.key"))
  request =
  request.body = body
  response = http.request(request)


Let me know if you need more information!



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