C # object property not available in Enumerable.Where inside foreach

Found C # head-scratcher. In a foreach loop, using the parent.Id property directly on Enumerable.Where doesn't work. The variable is inserted first. No problem with directly accessing parent.Id in the Select statement.

    List<Person> people = new List<Person>() { 
        new Person() { Id = 1, name = "John", parentId = null },
        new Person() { Id = 2, name = "Sarah", parentId = null },
        new Person() { Id = 3, name = "Daniel", parentId = 1 },
        new Person() { Id = 4, name = "Peter", parentId = 1 }

    List<object> peopleTree = new List<object>();

    var parents = people.Where(p => !p.parentId.HasValue);
    foreach (Person parent in parents)
        int parentId = parent.Id;
        var children = people
            //.Where(p => p.parentId.Equals(parentId)) //This works, is able to find the children
            .Where(p => p.parentId.Equals(parent.Id)) //This does not work, no children for John
            .Select(p => new { Id = p.Id, Name = p.name, pId = parent.Id }); //pId set correctly

            Id = parent.Id,
            Name = parent.name,
            Children = children


Alternatively, if I use a for loop and put the parent into a variable first, I can access the parent.Id property directly in the Where statement.

var parents = people.Where(p => !p.parentId.HasValue).ToArray();
for (int idx = 0; idx < parents.Count(); idx++)
    var parent = parents[idx];


I couldn't find an answer as to why it behaves like this. Can anyone explain this?


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3 answers

This problem is created by deferred execution children

. Essentially, the value parent

at the time of assessment children

is different. Geekspeak for this Modified close access .

You can fix this by introducing the temporary way you did it, or by forcing an evaluation when the loop foreach

is still in the current iteration:

var children = people
    .Where(p => p.parentId.Equals(parent.Id))
    .Select(p => new { Id = p.Id, Name = p.name, pId = parent.Id })




This is caused by the lazy nature of linq queries. Linq queries will "materialize" as late as possible to avoid potentially unnecessary work.


is materialized IEnumerable<T>

. It won't actually be populated with items. There is a significant difference between parent

and parentId

used in your two calls .Where()

. parent

is declared only once, but parentId

is inside the loop, so it is declared multiple times. children


Values โ€‹โ€‹changed during materialization . It will refer to the last element in parents

which is not the one you intended.

You can force this assessment.

    var children = people
        .Where(p => p.parentId.Equals(parent.Id)) 
        .Select(p => new { Id = p.Id, Name = p.name, pId = parent.Id })
        .ToArray();  <---- this forces materialization




The problem is with a statement that starts out like this:

var children = people ...


This operator does not output it to the collection, which actually stores the values โ€‹โ€‹... this makes the IEnumerable know how to iterate over the collection. The instructions used by this object refer to the variable parent

from the loop. This variable is captured for the Enumerable in something called a closure . Later, when you actually use the Enumerable object to access the elements, it accesses this variable parent


Here's the trick: there is one variable parent

that mutates for each iteration through the original loop. At the end of the loop, all of the items in your collection parents

use the same object parent

. Copying the value parent.Id

to a variable inside the loop eliminates the problem because you are now dealing with a new variable to close with each iteration through the loop.

You can also fix this by using a call .ToList()

at the end of the above statement to evaluate the Enumerable while still inside the loop. However, I prefer your existing solution because it is more memory efficient if you don't need to expand all those children at the same time.

The good news is that this issue has been fixed for C # 5 .



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