Android ADB Shell Input - emulate multiple strokes

I am using adb

Shell tab to emulate touch screen interaction,

Working with Windows 8 using the adb command line service.

For one long touch (don't touch!) I use this command:

Login adb shell x1 y1 x1 y1 t

How can I emulate simultaneous 2 long taps from the command line?



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2 answers

I searched a bit and it seems that the easiest way is not to find the correct commands (you have to emulate a real set of N events moving 2 fingers around the screen to pinch), but you can try this instead: save the gesture (with X fingers) and then play it from adb.

See this question for more details, already answered well in Saurabb Meshram's answer:

Pass I / O command on android phone using adb


you can try to understand what the events mean (completely obscure at first glance) see



try using:

adb shell "input finger x1 y1 x1 y1 t &&> input swipe x2 y2 x2 y2 t"



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